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Fighting Chronic Pain
Chronic pain is often misunderstood making it difficult to be present with someone else in their pain. Chronic conditions can create loneliness and often lead to loss of stability. Spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally and financially. Chronic Hope was founded as a community to support those in chronic pain. The Chronic Hope community is full of resources and listening ears for anyone facing chronic illness and those caring for a loved one with a chronic condition. It is also a great place for anyone looking to share hope with others.
Dr. Corinne Weaver, DC and Chronic Hope are leading the fight against Chronic Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS). No. 9 Essentials and Chronic Hope are on a mission together to be present in the midst of chronic illness through the Chronic Hope fund. The Chronic Hope fund assists families who would otherwise not be able to get the care they need. Each purchase from No. 9 Essentials gives hope to others through the Chronic Hope fund.
Everyday we make a choice. Choose HOPE today!